The Summit

Beacon Hill Associates A publication of Beacon Hill Associates
From the President

A Note from Beacon Hill's President, Bill Pritchard

It’s easy to explain to a client where their pollution exposures exist when they work in an environmental field. Asbestos abatement contractors, emergency response professionals, landfill operators, and chemical transporters all are well aware of their pollution concerns. Far more difficult, and ultimately important, is getting everyday businesses to see their pollution exposures, and learn that they can do something about them.

For this month’s issue of The Summit we’ve decided to focus on Indoor Air Quality. Every business has an exposure stemming from their facilities, or from those facilities they manage. Bodily Injury and Property Damage resulting from the quality of the air in the buildings in which we work and play are a growing concern. Tenants having to vacate a premises because of fumes from off gassing building materials can cost an insured hundreds of thousands of dollars. Residents of a nursing home getting sick from mold contamination in the duct work could cost the facility owners millions.

What is Indoor Air Quality, and when can it deteriorate? What sorts of risks have an extremely high exposure to impaired IAQ, and how do we cover it? These are a few of the questions we’ll address in this issue. As always, we are striving to offer meaningful content that will help you better understand where your clients’ exposures exist, and how you can access the right coverage to address these potential problems.

We hope the information we’ve provided in this issue will help you continue to be an informed and proactive partner for your clients.

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