The Summit

Beacon Hill Associates A publication of Beacon Hill Associates
From the President

A Note From Beacon Hill's President, Bill Pritchard

In this month’s issue of The Summit, we are focusing on recycling businesses; the exposures they face and the market for covering them. The overall recycling industry is at an all-time high—in addition to people recycling more household items on an individual basis, businesses & municipalities are organizing larger scale recycling efforts as well. Matching pace with these efforts, large scale commercial recycling and reuse of waste products is revolutionizing both our economy and our world. What used to be seen as simple waste is now the fuel for another person’s opportunity.

There are a number of environmental concerns surrounding recycling operations and facilities, and pollution insurance has become an important part of their risk management strategies. How carriers see these risks, and offer coverage, is an important conversation to have with every client.

We want to open a discussion about how environmental carriers have been able to respond to the unique challenges of recycling businesses, and about the explosive growth in the industry. Cutting edge recycling risks are in every corner of the country and represent exciting opportunities for agents and brokers who understand their unique exposures.

We are excited to share recently written recycling accounts, news stories highlighting pollution issues at recycling facilities, and more on this dynamic industry.

As always, thank you for reading and please let us know if you have any questions or feedback.

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